Home to Self Retreat, Dorset

5-7 August 2022

A Transformative and Rejuvenating Mini Retreat by the Sea

My intention for these retreats is to offer you a space to come home.

A space for you to rediscover what makes you YOU.

A space that welcomes, celebrates and nurtures all parts of you.

To remember and awaken the power, wisdom and peace that sits within your body and heart.

It's time to put yourself first.

Break free of conformity and who you think you “should be” and find ease in simply being yourself.

My home is your home

The retreat venue has been in my family for the last 30 years. I have very fond memories growing up here and it makes me so happy to share this space with you all. It’s a beautiful detached property with a peaceful garden just a stone’s throw away from Parkstone Marina and within walking distance to the famous Sandbanks Beach.

You almost wouldn’t believe you’re in the UK, with soft white sands, rolling green hills and candyfloss skies - it holds an enchanting beauty that is the perfect setting for this transformative and restful experience.


A choice of three bedrooms with the comfort of home and the style of a boho beach boutique hotel.

Bathroom facilities are shared between guests.

Community & Sisterhood

No more feeling lost in a big retreat group or feeling like you are simply another guest passing through the production line of retreats hosted by a fancy venue.

I’m a big believer in quality over quantity and by coming together in a smaller group it is my intention for you to foster deeper connections and friendships with like-minded women and for all your voices to be heard. Offering a space of openness, understanding and support as we celebrate one another for showing up bravely and authentically as our true selves.

I hope to create a bespoke and personalised experience for each individual with the schedule and timings always guided by your needs. Keeping the numbers small I can offer more focussed attention and personalised support to you all.

Cooking with love provides food for the soul

Nourish your body with lovingly prepared seasonal vegetarian/vegan meals inspired by the places and flavours that I’ve called home to help you feel balanced and energised. Menu will be curated for your specific dietary requirements.

All food is lovingly homemade by myself and the incredible local vegan chef Kara Hayward @Karasvegansupperclub.

Your schedule

Exact timings may vary, we can go with the flow.


Day One

3pm - Arrival

5pm - Welcome Circle

5.30pm - Yoga & Movement

7.30pm - Dinner

8.30pm - Evening Stroll/Chill Time

10pm - Bed

Day Two

7.30am - Wake Up

8am - Morning Movement

10am - Brunch

11.30am - Beach Time/Sea Swims/Nature Walks

6pm - Yoga & Sound Bath

8pm - Dinner

10pm - Bed

Day Three

7.30am - Wake Up (Sacred Silence until 9.30am)

8am - Meditation & Yoga

10am - Brunch

12.30am - Wild Self - journaling workshop

3pm - Latest check out





  • Transport to & from Poole

  • Additional snacks/refreshments

  • Holistic Therapy Treatments


  • 2 nights accommodation

  • Daily yoga, meditation & movement practices

  • Nutritious and delicious vegetarian meals (brunch & dinner)

  • Day trip exploring the beautiful Sandbanks Beach/Jurassic Coast

  • Rewilding & nature connection

  • Beach yoga, wild swims & sea dips

  • Soothing sound bath & mantra meditation

  • Self reflection & journal exercises to rediscover your wholeness

What People Are Saying


“This was a retreat unlike any I have been on, I felt I could completely let go and be wild, but in such a safe space. I can't wait to come back”

— Charlotte - London UK


“Thank you for a lovely nourishing, peaceful and playful weekend. I’ve learned so much and have really enjoyed spending time in the beautiful environment that Zoe has created. I especially loved our Saturday morning practice, getting out of my comfort zone and being challenged in my body & my mind. Zoe has created something very very special here and I can’t wait to return.”

— Jill. Retreat Guest

““It’s an incredibly unique experience - it's essentially a retreat and a mini break with your own tour guide. Equal amounts of restorative practice and invigorating exploration wrapped up in the bundle of warmth that can only be found in an experience crafted by a person who truly cares. Zoe has lived both sides of this coin in equal measure and has made it her life's passion to provide that to others.”

— Megan, London UK


“Thank you for such a transformative stay. You’ve helped me remember the reasons why I am a powerful, strong woman. This is an experience I won’t forget. Thank you for sharing your home.”

— Flora

The wilderness is calling you. Guiding you back here. Guiding you home.

— Zoe Grace Butler